United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties has been awarded a $50,000 grant from Orlando Health.

The funds will help launch the local United Way’s new health initiative, Together for Health and Wellness, in early 2024.

Together for Health and Wellness is a direct service of United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties under its health initiative. The program will provide case management and wrap-around services for individuals and families who seek health services but are uninsured or underinsured.

The purpose of the new program is to confront the issue of health, identified as one of the top five root causes of poverty in our community.

This initiative presents an integrated strategy and approach by providing individuals with physical, dental and mental health services, aimed at erasing the barriers to payment and access.

United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties is dedicated to meeting the needs of our community. As it stands in Lake and Sumter, there are critical gaps in healthcare access and the broader challenges that support them.

The award letter from the Orlando Health grant program said the review team was very impressed with United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties’ proposal for “Together for Health and Wellness.”

“We are very excited about the partnership between United Way of Lake & Sumter and Orlando Health to support our local community,” the letter said.

Nishika Stafford, Director of Together for Health and Wellness, said this grant is instrumental in turning the vision of the program into a reality.

“Thank you, Orlando Health, for your generosity and for trusting United Way and allowing us to serve our community,” Stafford said. “This gift will allow us to help over 1,000 individuals in Lake County’s ALICE population gain access to healthcare they deserve.”

Through the program, United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties strives to turn the tide on health disparities, fostering a healthier, more resilient, and better-connected community.

United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties is currently hiring to fill the position of Healthcare Navigator, a new job created by this program.

For more information about the program, visit uwls.org/together-for-health