Leesburg Fire Rescue

Leesburg commissioners unanimously approved an automatic fire aid agreement at the Monday night commission meeting.

An informal agreement for assistance between Tavares and Leesburg for fire protection and other emergencies has existed for a number of years. The new agreement will continue and improve the coordination of emergency response.

The cities have agreed to respond to an emergency call for assistance on an automatic basis if the requested units are available. Calls for assistance would include fires, medical emergencies, hazardous conditions, rescue and extraction situations.

The agreement calls for the first incident commander on the scene to take control of the response even if it is in the other cities area. When the commander from the city where the emergency arises that individual would take command and be assisted by the other department’s commander.

The cities will each be responsible for the equipment brought to the emergency site and will hold the other harmless for any injury to personnel or equipment unless the other party acts negligently. Neither city would be required to reimburse the other for any costs incurred during an emergency response.

The resolution to enter into the agreement was approved on a 5-0 vote.